  • Art & Creative Direction
  • Communications & Marketing
  • Digital Design
  • Video & Animation
  • Content Creation
  • Copy & Social Media Writing
  • Illustration
  • Photography

About Me

Hi, my name is Phillip Nievera Retuta, and welcome to my personal website. I’m a digital designer, artist, and art director by career, living in Brooklyn, NY. I was born in Chicago to two very wonderful immigrant, Filipino parents, and I have a brother who is also a designer. For undergrad, I went to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to study English Literature, and for graduate school, Parsons the New School for Design to study Design + Technology. In my 18-year career as a designer and marketer, I’ve worked at boutique design agencies, educational institutions like Columbia and New York Tech, and global non-profits like Panthera.

I have an awesome dog named Dusty, who will one day be Instagram famous and has won multiple awards for her homemade Halloween costumes in Fort Greene. I also garden, crochet, build ceramics at Artshack, and draw comics during my spare time. I love cooking, typography, Polaroid film, and the Oxford Comma. I hate loud clubs, crowded subways, and phonies.


Now you know the basics, and hopefully this written copy didn’t sound too much like an online dating profile.

Phillip By The Numbers

Years in Creative & Tech

New York City skyline at dusk

Years Living in NYC

Man holding camera, in front of Mayan ruins

Countries Visited

Pages in Thesis Re: Social Media

Man holding cellphone with messy hair

Photos on My iPhone

Arm with dog tattoos

Tattoos, and Counting

Cold brew coffee in a cup

Cups of Coffee a Day

Dogs on a basketball court

Dogs Dog-Sat at One Time

Neckties & Bowties

Plants on a bookshelf

Indoor Plants Kept Alive

Phill's Skills

With more than 18 years of experience, I’ve maintained a balance of digital and technical abilities to cultivate my creativity on a professional and personal level: from honing my design skills and keeping up with the latest trends, I am constantly seeking and learning new ways to express myself.

Knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite 100%
Illustration 100%
HTML, CSS, & UX/UI 80%
Observing Marketing Trends 95%
Improving Social Engagement 90%
Writing & Editing 100%
Photography 85%
Video & Post-Production 75%
Collaboration 100%
Ceramics 45%
Crochet & Knitting 20%
Baking 100%

Creativity is Key

It’s always been my philosophy that anyone could be creative and artistic. It merely takes an idea, some time, and a little bit of effort to be some kind of creative. I’ve always prided myself as a maker of things, producing stuff for work, gifts for friends, or for my own personal interests. Simply put, I love putting my work out there for myself and others to see.

Inspired by Legos, afternoon cartoons like Tiny Toons and Animaniacs, and my older brother’s illustration work, I began tracing and drawing when I was in second grade. I began reading comics in fifth grade, and as soon as I hit English class in sixth, I started to write as well. In high school, I started documenting everything through photographs, and in college I was inspired by the tech startups of Silicon Alley that ultimately made me want to move to New York. These outside influences motivated me to shape my own work and build my own voice and style.

To be good at what you do (whatever that is), it takes patience and tolerance — just keep on practicing, take criticism to heart but with a grain of salt, and be confident in your talents even if no one else is looking. After all, the best supporter of your own sense of creativity is yourself.


From logo design to comics to app UX to videos to social media campaigns, I have an expansive design repertoire with years of experience.

Employers & Clients

A brief list of some of the employers, clients, & freelance opportunities over the years.

Dog Dad

Man with dog
Dusty & Me

An Animal Lover, Through and Through.

From my work in big cat conservation, to fostering and volunteering at pet adoption agencies, to raising two wonderful pups (and an aquarium full of fish), I believe there’s nothing more pure than animals.

My very first dog, Nico Doggerton, had been by my side since 2007. Named after “Nico” of The Velvet Underground and of Andy Warhol fame, I adopted her during my senior year of college from a shelter in Urbana-Champaign. Since then, the husky-labrador (or “huskador”) mix has moved with me from rural Illinois, to back home in Chicago, to New Jersey, to New York City. She hated brooms and hid in the bathtub when fireworks go off, but Nico thoroughly enjoyed belly rubs, fabric squeaky toys, and pizza crusts.

After a year since Nico’s passing in Spring 2019 and well into the COVID-19 Pandemic, I was ready to bring another dog into my life. In Summer 2020, at 4 months old, I adopted Dusty Valley Doggerton — “Valley” being her original pre-adoption name and “Dusty” after the singer “Dusty Springfield.” This spunky, Aussie-Pibble mix hates getting wet and cats, but loves to meet every single person as we walk around the neighborhood. Dusty’s favorite toys are squeaky tennis balls and anything resembling Lamb Chop, and when she gets excited, her tail spins like a helicopter.

To see more of both Dusty’s and Nico’s adventures, visit their Instagram page. We’re verified with over 14K+ followers!

Two Dogs
Nico & Dusty Doggerton

The 365 Day Photo Project

Everyday I take a photo highlighting the best part of my day, ever since 2008. Check out my photojournal either on Flickr or the dedicated Instagram.

#365 2025.03.09: Clay Projects for Family.
#365 2025.03.08: Working on New Content for My Portfolio and Website.
#365 2025.03.07: Frying Up Some Lemon Curd Beignets.
#365 2025.03.06: Indian Dinner with Grayslakians.

Contact Me

Shoot me an email:


My 365-Day Photo-Journal

My Dog's Instagram